
Community Energy Wales' Conference

Beyond 2035

Every year, Community Energy Wales organises a conference that gathers together our membership and other stakeholders in the sector to discuss our future, the amazing work happening today, and the challenges that are ahead of us.

Renewable energy is growing. Reaching Net Zero by 2035 is a priority to both industry and government. The question now is not if we decarbonise our energy system, but how. How do we design an energy system that is fair, that places agency in community hands, and that can reboot our local economies?

Join Community Energy Wales for our annual conference on 10 and 11 June at the Centre for Alternative Technology in Machynlleth, looking Beyond Net Zero to discuss the long-term vision for community energy in Wales.

We are still finalising the details, but our programme will include expert panels, opportunities for workshops, and good use of the amazing facilities at CAT.

We acknowledge that the cost of operating our organisations has been challenging. With this in mind, we have frozen our ticket prices for the conference, and kept them level with last year.

Last year’s conference was superb. Great people. Wonderful hospitality. Inspiring venue.
Ben Saltmarsh, National Energy Action
The CEW conference was great. The sector has really missed these opportunities to come together and share our experiences. Really good to see old friends and make new ones. Congratulations to all at Community Energy Wales for hosting such a successful event.
Grant Peisley - DEG

As A House Becomes Home

A poem inspired by the Community Energy Wales Conference by Hanan Issa, the National Poet of Wales.

Begin with the trees. Ask them for their twigs, their branches.
Gather people. Promise them futures, late night conversations
on the names for wind and rain,
or the difference between downpour and deluge.
To those who confess, “I don’t have the energy,”
offer reassurance. Tell them having time to care is luxury

Begin to burn the money - watch closely as folded disposable notes
dance and shift, returning renewed warmth.
Celebrate the transition - tethered to each of you/ all of you,
feel your feet sinking into soil, as a house becomes home.

Ownerships merge over time -
We own the land.
We own land.
We one land.
We. Land.

Soon our shared muscles will stiffen till memory remains
the only limb we can sway with the wind.

Listen for the children.

Here they come, arms outstretched,
asking for your twigs, your branches.

Hanan Issa

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