Starting your project

First steps to starting a project:

Talk to local people with key skills

Find out who would be willing to work together. A core group of dedicated people is key to getting projects off the ground.

Research your community

What is already available in your area? Do you have access to land or buildings? What is the energy use of your community? Who could benefit from a project?

Form your Organisation

Once you have a group of people and an idea for your project, you can set up your organisation to become members of Community Energy Wales, secure funding, insurance and meet other needs.


Funding for your project can come from community share offers, collaborations with partner organisations, grants or loans. The nature of the support that is available changes regularly. Community Energy Wales shares up-to-date information about funding opportunities with our members.

You’re not alone!

Community Energy Wales are here to support new community energy developments in Wales from start to end. If you would like to find out more get in touch.

We have started Fforwm Datblygu, our development forum, to help communities on their journey to develop community energy projects. Find out more here.

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