Energy Learning Network

Working together to grow community energy across the United Kingdom.

Community Energy Wales/Ynni Cymunedol Cymru are involved in the UK-wide Energy Learning Network, which aims to power forward community energy projects across the UK – helping more groups launch or grow projects that decarbonise the grid, and create instant benefits for local people.

The Energy Learning Network is a UK-wide collaboration between Community Energy England, Community Energy Scotland, Action Renewables, Ashden Climate Solutions. the Centre for Sustainable Energy and Community Energy Wales. The Network is a new initiative funded by The National Lottery Community Fund, delivering four years of funding totaling £1.5 million.

The community energy sector already delivers a wide range of services tackling both the climate crisis and fuel poverty, from locally owned solar PV installations, delivering energy bill savings for organisations and individuals, to trusted low carbon retrofit and energy advice services to communities across the UK.

The Energy Learning Network will deliver free insights, resources and connections to existing community energy groups and other community groups looking to become involved in local energy projects for the first time.

The network will identify what extra support and resources are needed within the community energy sector and deliver UK-wide tailored resources, with opportunities for peer mentoring support for community organisations. The network will also facilitate shared learning opportunities between community organisations to further develop skills and grow the sector.

Leanne Wood, Co-Director, Community Energy Wales said:

‘The new Energy Learning Network will provide learning support and resources to strengthen and grow both new and established community energy groups. We look forward to working together with partner organisations across the UK to expand the community energy sector. We want more people to be aware of the agency and control they can have over local energy resources. People can play a central role in their local energy systems and economies and this network will help people understand how they can go about doing that.’

To find out more about this project and what CEW are doing, email

This grant comes from the Climate Action Fund, a £100 million commitment over 10 years from The National Lottery Community Fund to support communities across the UK to take action on climate change and involve more people in climate action. This forms part of one of the funder’s four key missions in its 2030 strategy, ‘It starts with community’ - supporting communities to be environmentally sustainable.

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