Educational Resources

Some helpful resources if you are an educator

What is Community Energy?

When communities have collective ownership over local energy projects – a wind turbine, solar farm or hydroelectric generator for example.

Profits from those projects are used for community benefit. It can be used to alleviate fuel poverty, create other community owned businesses or build green spaces. Whatever the needs of the community are.

Community Energy encapsulates climate, environment, local community, the Welsh language and sustainability.


Here are some resources to help you:

Our Members GwyrddNi have a whole page of education resources on climate education

Members Ynni Sir Gar have developed a range of resources including a graphic novel on energy, ownership, and community as well as a manual to take climate action in your community.

You can request a STEM ambassador to come and talk about a topic at your school, including things like heat pumps and renewable technologies.

Our Operations and Development Officer Izzy Mcleod wrote this lesson plan for KS2 Science on onnecting to climate change with A new Direction.

The Energy Sparks website can help you track real time data from your schools to engage learners in energy efficiency.

The Transform Our World website covers the whole of UK/Ireland and has some really good resources. They send a monthly newsletter on climate education and events to incorporate within classrooms. Transform Our World: bringing environmental action into the classroom with quality-rated resources (

Our members EGNI have some fantastic videos showing the power of community energy: Egni Co-op Solar: Geraint Thomas National Velodrome of Wales

Hwb y Gors (Eng)

Hwb y Gors (Cymraeg)

Merthyr FC Solar

Join us

We’re developing a network of educational and engagement practitioners that are interested in building awareness around community energy. If you would like to join us, please get in touch

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