Call For Board Members

Join the Community Energy Wales board

Published: 11.12.2024 ( a month ago )

Board Member - Job Description

Board membership of Ynni Cymunedol Cymru is voluntary. Most meetings are held online. Expenses will be covered for in-person meetings and events.

Full board meetings are held quarterly.

There are three committees. The Finance Committee meets quarterly and the Risk and Governance and Employment and Remuneration meet twice a year. All members are expected to sit on either the Finance Committee or both R&G and E&R Committees.

All board and committee meetings are scheduled for one hour. The meeting timetable for the year is provided to board members in December.

Papers for board and committee meetings are provided a week in advance of those meetings and members are expected to have read them before the meeting.

Members are encouraged to ask questions of the Co-Executive Directors and Committee Chairs to ensure we have strong and deep scrutiny.

Members may be required to hold one to one meetings on specific matters with the Co-Executive Directors.

Directors are encouraged and supported to participate in recruitment panels.

Annual conference is held in June every year and board members are warmly welcome to attend. Accommodation, food and registration costs are covered.

YCC / CEW board members are encouraged to act as champions for community energy in interactions with other external organisations and the Welsh public.

New board members are encouraged to undertake the WCVA’s Basic Training for Board Members course when they join the board.

New board members are voted on to the board at the AGM (September). Applications for board membership that have been accepted by the board can attend meetings as acting board members while awaiting a decision at the AGM.

We are encouraging applications for board membership from our member groups. We especially welcome applications from members with protected characteristics under the Equality Act (2010) as diversity improves outcomes.

Applications - a CV and cover letter to be sent to co-Executive Directors Leanne Wood and Ben Ferguson, YCC / CEW via

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