I’m not one inclined towards lightbulb moments. My natural instinct, and my trained philosopher’s response, is to be unsure, question, and assume an element of scepticism. I will be inclined to suppose that an idea has already been thought of somewhere before, or there will be some precedent – or issue – that renders what is being said as a form of the Emperor’s new clothes. There is nothing new under the sun.
It was a very unusual experience for me, therefore, when I sat in the launch of Ynni Cymunedol Cymru's State of the Sector Report, and listened to Ian from Treherbert talk about his trees. It was not the story of ‘Welcome to our Woods’ that was the focus of our attention, however, so much as the emergence of a sub-plot with a very happy ending. For he talked with passion and pride about their decision, more than 7 years ago, to take the long view and invest time and resource into establishing a localized hydro-energy scheme. It took that many years for the investment to pay dividends, but that scheme now provides not only enough electricity to run the project, it provides extra energy that can be sold back to the grid that in turn is invested back into the project.