Gower Power Supports Covid Response

ARCHIVE: Funds from a Swansea solar farm are being used to help tackle the Covid-19 crisis

Published: 01.09.2023 ( a year ago )

Gower Power Grants support Covid-19 Response

Funds from a Swansea solar farm are being used to help tackle the Covid-19 crisis and support positive projects run by local businesses.

Gower Power Co-op CIC has allocated funds to two campaigns which bring the voluntary efforts of skilled professionals together with cash from the local community.

FeedTheNHSWales aims to raise £100k for food – and only food – to deliver healthy, delicious meals to health workers. Professional chefs are offering their time, skills, premises and equipment for free. Many local businesses are giving free help with transport etc to make the scheme a success. The campaign, run by Môr Restaurant, Mumbles and supported by Welsh legends Alun Wyn Jones and Siân Lloyd, has raised half of its target so far with their Just Giving Crowdfunder.

Gower Power was more than happy to contribute £1,000.

“We generally use these funds to support projects that improve access to healthy food, support sustainable food production or tackle health inequalities,” said John Whiten from Gower Power. “In the current crisis we also want to support projects that are drawing on all the good will in the local community. Responding to this campaign was a no-brainer for us.” Another project receiving solar farm funds is The Swansea Wellbeing Centre.

The popular, Uplands-based centre, offering various treatments and classes including exercise, meditation and counselling, has moved their services online. A special community support programme, Cocoon, offers free sessions to anyone who is struggling with isolation, illness or stress, while a Crowdfunder invites people to “pay it forward” if they can. Donors can receive great value rewards in return for pledges to the campaign. Gower Power will match some of the cash raised.

“Making sure people on low incomes can access support at this difficult time is really important,” continued John “so we’re really grateful to all these fantastic practitioners for offering these services. The range on offer is brilliant, in both Cocoon and the standard online programme. Anyone can benefit from some exercise and relaxation, particularly now. We hope this is a really successful Crowdfunder.”

Lucy Heavens, Centre Director of The Swansea Wellbeing Centre says, “Mental health and physical wellbeing is an urgent priority. This is an excruciating time for many people. Our Cocoon project is a lifeline for community members who have found themselves isolated. We have been moved by the response. Everyone is welcome to access this support.”

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